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Manuscript Records of Traders, Travellers, Missionaries & Diplomats, 1792-1942

Part 2: Sources from the William R Perkins Library, Duke University



The diaries and papers of Martha E (Foster) Crawford, American missionary, covering 1846-1881. Born in Alabama, Crawford went to China as a missionary in 1851, working in Shanghai and Tung Chow. Her diaries describe her experiences, and there is also a manuscript history of missions in China written by Crawford. Filmed in their entirety.
Volume 1 Diary, 1846-50 & 1867
Volume 2 Diary, 1850-53 & 1878
Volume 3 Diary, 1853-54
Volume 4 Diary, 1861-64

The diaries and papers of Martha E (Foster) Crawford
Volume 5 Diary, 1864-68
Volume 6 Diary, 1868-76
Volume 7 Diary, 1876-81

Typed copy of 1853-54 journal
Loose items in folder
Papers of Arthur Gallimore, American missionary, c1933. These papers describe the work of the South China Mission of the Southern Baptist Convention among the Hakkas in Wai Chow. Two items, filmed in their entirety.

Papers of Richard H Gregory, businessman for the British-American Tobacco Company, covering the period 1905-1910. Gregory travelled to China on behalf of the company in 1905 and 1906 and kept diaries concerning his experiences. He also collected many interesting photos of people and places in China including the business of tobacco growing. The collection comprises 4 volumes and 23 items and has been filmed in its entirety.
Vol 1 Illustrated typescript journal, Jun - Aug 1906
Vol 2 Illustrated typescript journal, Jun - Aug 1906

Red diary - "Travel diary of Richard Henry Gregory on his first trip to China in 1905 - April 23, 1905 to June 2, 1905"
Maroon diary - "Diary of Richard Henry Gregory of British American Tobacco Co, June-August 1906"
Miscellaneous photos and papers
Letters of J Edwards Hartshorn, American customs official in China, for the period 1904-1925. Hartshorn wrote to his parents in Virginia from various locations throughout China. He discusses American and Chinese politics, World War I, the people and towns he saw in China, and his work as a customs official. Filmed in their entirety.

Diaries of Henry Hayne, British diplomat, for the period 1797-1828. Hayne served as secretary to the Amherst Embassy to China, 1816-1817. In his diaries he describes his travels through China, and the diplomatic and commercial aspects of the mission. There is a map of the route of the Macartney Embassy. Filmed in their entirety.

Folder 1 - Map of route; portrait of Amherst; letter booklet
Folder 2 - Background materials including extracts from The Gentleman's Magazine
Vol 1 Diary, 8 Feb - 20 Apr 1816
Vol 2 Diary, 9 Aug - 22 Oct 1816
Vol 3 Diary, 22 Oct 1816 - 1 Jan 1817
Vol 4 Diary, 21 Jan - 14 Aug 1817
Vol 5 Diary, 1824 - 1828

Journal of M S Hooper, American businessman, for the period 1840-42. Hooper was involved in the sugar refining business and shipping cargoes to Britain and China. His journal concerns trade with East Asia and includes reports that he has heard on the Opium War. Filmed in its entirety.

Letters of Catherine Ella Jones, American missionary, for the period 1852-1863. Jones worked for the Episcopal Church mission in Shanghai for c10 years until she died of smallpox in 1863. 50 items, filmed in their entirety. (Please note that the diary of Thomas Walter Jones which appears in the same box has not been filmed).

Letters of Eliza H Jones, American missionary, c1848. Her letters describe a baptist mission in Shanghai. Filmed in their entirety. These form part of the papers of Rufus Henry Jones. (Please note that the Diary and Account book of Rufus Henry Jones and his legal papers have not been filmed).

Letters of George Macartney (1st Earl Macartney), British diplomat, for the period 1779-1798. Macartney was chosen to be Britain's first ambassador to China. His trade and diplomatic mission of 1792-1794 was not a great success, but it did do a great deal to heighten British interest in China. Letters dated 13 August 1792, 10 Oct 1795, 9 March, 29 June, & 25 July 1796 concern Anglo-Chinese relations. Filmed in their entirety.
Box 1: Folders 1-5, 1779-81
Box 2: Folders 1-6, 1782-96

Papers of Sir Edward Baldwin Malet, fourth baronet (1837-1908) a career diplomat, born in The Hague, son of Sir Alexander Malet, second baronet. He served in Frankfurt (1854), Washington (1862-65), Paris (1867-71), Peking (1872), Rome (1875), Constantinople (1878), Egypt (1879-83), Brussels (1883) and Berlin (1884-95). His papers are substantial comprising 6,100 items in all. We have selected 6 boxes, covering the period 1872-1873 when Malet served as secretary of a legation in Peking. His letters describe his voyage to Peking via India, Singapore and Hong Kong, a holiday at Cheefoo with the American minister, various Chinese cities, Buddhist temples and religious processions. A few letters are from Japan. There is a report on the opium trade in 1873.

Box A-17: 1872: 40 letters: on four months journey to Far East, tour in India, voyage to Singapore and Hong Kong en route to Peking; travel incidents, some illustrated by sketches; visits to the Great Wall; Shanghai, Hankow, Tientsin; descriptions of Buddhist temples and religious processions.

Box A-18: 1873: 34 letters: mainly from Peking, and journey towards home including 2 from Japan; official note by England, Russia, Prussia, France & US, asking for right of audience; second visit to Great Wall; holiday at Chefoo in company of the American minister, Mr Low; expedition on cruiser as far as Formosa and back; three weeks in Japan; EBM's return to Athens. Also 2 letters from colleagues expressing regret at his going.

Papers of Sir Edward Malet (continued)
Box B-12: 1872: 46 letters (1 from Lord Lyons, 1 from Lord Napier of Magdala); 1 Playbill; 1 cutting; 1 list of curios.
Box B-13: 1873: 39 letters (2 from his brother, 1 from Lord Blandford, 1 from his father); 2 poems (on leaving Peking);
1 telegram; 1 prospectus; 1 folder of writings
Box C-11: 1872: 49 letters, some concerning the opium trade;
6 dispatches

Papers of Sir Edward Malet (continued)
Box C-12: 1873: 36 letters; 2 copies of trade report on opium.

Papers of Nina Cordelia Mitchell. These include letters of her cousin Gertrude C Gilman, about her missionary work at Boone University in Wuchang, where her husband was the president. Gilman discusses international politics, the Chinese Civil War, natural disasters there, the deportation of Chinese missionaries, the opium trade, the selling of Chinese girls into slavery, and the need for a rescue home for Chinese girls. The Mitchell papers consist of 4,021 items and 46 volumes. We have selected out just the Gilman correspondence.

REEL 25 (A)
Papers of Thomas A Nicholson, American physician, for the period 1857-1905. Nicholson sailed to East Asia as Commodore's Secretary. He comments on social customs and Christianity in Japan and China, describes a wealthy plantation in China and the embassy in Japan. His "Journal of a cruise, 1857-1860" includes a watercolour of the Battle of the Pei-Ho, 25 June 1859, and a Map of Beijing. Filmed in their entirety.

The scrapbook of Lee Parker, employee of the British-American Tobacco Company in China, covering the period 1916-1921. Contains c625 pictures of places and people Parker saw in China. Filmed in its entirety.

REEL 25 (B)
Scrapbooks of Sir James George Scott, British diplomat, colonial administrator and journalist in China and Southeast Asia, for the period 1888-1897. Items concern Chinese-Japanese relations and boundary disputes between China and neighbouring countries. Two scrapbooks, filmed in their entirety.

Letters of Lyman Greenleafe Spalding, U S naval officer, for the period 1861-1889. Spalding joined the Asiatic Squadron for a three year cruise in 1872 and his letters home include detailed descriptions of ports in Hong Kong, China and Japan. He comments on the people, customs, politics, and scenery of these places. We have filmed this collection in its entirety, documenting Spalding's progress from naval academy, to his Asian Tour and his death due to a torpedo accident.

Sir George Leonard and George Thomas Staunton Papers, 1743-1885.

Sir George Leonard Staunton was secretary (second in command to Macartney) of the first British mission to China (the Macartney Embassy) in 1792-1794. Amongst the items featured here is an item dated 21 February 1792 regarding the selection of Chinese missionaries as tutors or interpreters.

His 11 year old son, George Thomas Staunton, also accompanied him on the trip and was the only Briton of the 700 who set sail who could read and write Chinese. This precocious boy's two-volume diary records his impressions of the palace, the official ceremonies and an inland journey. During 1798-1817 George Thomas Staunton was chief of the East India Company's factory at Canton, and in 1816-1817 he was a ranking member of Britain's second mission to China (the Amherst Embassy). He lived in China 1800-1801, 1805-1807, 1810-1811, and 1814 and during these years he wrote home to his parents. Approximately 120 such letters from China are in this collection. These letters contain details about disputes between East India Company representatives and Chinese officials, disagreements over trade duties, Chinese attempts to assert jurisdiction over British subjects, and Chinese protests against the presence of British warships. The miscellaneous journal from 1831-1837 includes George Thomas Staunton's opinions on Anglo-Chinese relations. As a Member of Parliament in 1840, he was at the forefront of those urging Palmerston to launch into the first Opium War against China. This collection has been filmed in its entirety.

Letters, 1743-84; 1785-92; 1793-99; 1800; 1801.

Sir George Leonard and George Thomas Staunton Papers, 1743-1885 (continued)

Diaries of George Thomas Staunton:
1792 (France)
("Journey to China, 1792")
1793-94 ("Journal of a voyage to China second part, 1793")
1830 (Italy)
Miscellaneous Journal, 1831-37
Miscellaneous items

Sir George Leonard and George Thomas Staunton Papers, 1743-1885 (continued)
Letters, 1802-04; 1805-06; 1807-10; 1811-12; 1813; 1814-15.

Sir George Leonard and George Thomas Staunton Papers, 1743-1885 (continued)
Letters, 1816-17; 1818-24; 1825-35; 1836-85 and undated.

Military Intelligence Report of Captain Parker G Tenney of the U S Field Artillery, and a zoological collector for the National Geographic Central China Expedition of 1924. This typescript Report describes his travels in French Indo-China and the Chinese provinces of Kweichow and Yunnan. There are many photographs and matters of scientific and military interest as well as two maps. The table of contents for Yunnan and Kweichow lists physical description and climate; historical, political and military sketch (from the revolution); population; travel; and products. Filmed in its entirety.

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